Attacks on Jews in Rhina Letter by Police Chief of Kassel, 23 July 1934. Source: Yad Vashem Archive 0.51/100 To: Municipal Council of Huenfeld I request to conduct talks with all the chiefs of the SA, SS and Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) and with the mayor, the teachers and other influential people and to instruct them that under no circumstances should they act in this way in the future. These are not the means for the solution of the Jewish question. I want it stressed to them in the name of the police that should the riots in Rhina continue, the harshest measures will be undertaken against the instigators, whatever the position of the person involved may be and whether he belongs to the Party or not. The heads of the organisations are to inform their organisations. The inquiries about the instigators of the riots will continue. Every new attack has to be reported.